Pile of poles

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Following treatment with CCA the outer layer of ET BROWN POLES are treated with a refined hydrocarbon oil emulsion. The emulsion serves as lubricant, making the pole easier to climb and work on, without affecting the preservative properties of the CCA. The result is a number of practical and enhancing features.

Warranty: Wolmanized CCA - ET Brown treated poles are backed by a 50 - year warranty against damage from termites and fungal decay.


Low Conductivity: The low conductivity of CCA ET BROWN treated poles provide protection of leakage and increase the security of line workers.


Fixed Preservative: Due to CCA fixation in the wood, there is virtually no migration with the CCA. ET BROWN poles. As a result, remedial groundline treatment is not required and rotation of poles is unnecessary.


Climbability: Excellent climbing characterisitcs have been confirmed by numerous field-climbing trials on both new and aged poles.


Verification: Retention of oil can be readily verified by inspection agencies - a difficult task for other additives.


Fire Resistance: The addition of oil emulsion can lessen the effects of fire.


Appearance: The ET BROWN pole is easily identifiable considering the obvious Brown color characteristics enabling customers the benefit of self policing while

aesthetically appealing.

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